Balloon Flight simulator

Balloon Flight simulator

Pilot your balloon !

Experience our hot-air balloon pilot simulator! Equipped with a virtual reality helmet and aboard your gondola, you'll take off from Château-d'Oex and fly over the magnificent landscape of Pays-d'Enhaut.

Three participants pilot their own balloon and fly together in the 3D-modelled skies of Pays-d'Enhaut. The controls are identical to those of a real hot-air balloon. The pilot operates the burner to heat the balloon and climb. He can also use the valve rope to release hot air and descend. Your balloon flies in realistic winds, faithfully reproducing the morning aerology of Château-d'Oex.

The illusion of flight is astonishing. You can hear the church bells, a truck whirring past, a herd of cows grazing peacefully. You can land your balloon and take off again, but don't hit trees, houses or power lines - you'll crash and lose points.

No piloting experience is required for this unique experience. The simulator is accessible from the age of 16, or 14 accompanied by an adult.


L'accès au simulateur de pilotage n'est pas inclus dans le billet d'entrée à Espace Ballon.

CHF 35.- for 20-minute flight, with instructor
Includes admission to Espace Ballon

On your first flight in our simulator, you will be coached by an instructor.

At the end of your first flight, you will receive a logbook
which offers you a host of advantages :

CHF 20.- for a 20-minute flight, without assistance.
Free admission to Espace Ballon on the day of your reservation.
11th flight free of charge.

How does it work ? 

Each participant enters one of the three Ultramagic gondolas and fits a virtual reality headset. They then find themselves on the Château-d'Oex airfield aboard one of the three balloons, ready for take-off. A quick blast from the burner, and it's off!

The controls are identical to those of a real hot-air balloon. The pilot operates the burner to take off and climb. He can also pull the valve cord to descend or land. The flight instruments are grouped together on a shelf. All operations are explained by the instructor and by a tutorial displayed on the home screen.

The simulator faithfully reproduces the morning currents for which Château-d'Oex is famous. A current of cold air (katabatic wind) flows along the valley floor, carrying the balloons towards Les Moulins, Rossinière and then the Gruyère region. Above 1,400 meters, a westerly wind carries the balloons up the valley to Rougemont.

A low-altitude flight will enable you to land as close as possible to the Moulins target, and then to the Rossinière target. But avoid hitting trees, houses and power lines. A crash will cost you gas, and points.


Try to score as many points as possible by landing close to the targets. Your logbook allows you to record your scores and measure your progress.

Landing in the center of a target = 200 points, decreasing to 200m = 1 point 
1 kilometer flown = 10 points 
Crash: - 10% gas 
Gas at end of flight: 1% = 1 point

Onboard instruments

During your flight, your instruments keeps you informed in real time.

Flight time (min)
Horizontal speed (km/h)
Ground clearance (AGL)
Altitude (ASL)
Direction (°)
Balloon temperature (°C)
Gas reserve (%)
Climb or descent speed (m/s)

The use of instruments is optional. You can also fly by sight, observing the airspace, smokes and flags on the ground, and the direction of other balloons.


The flight simulator reproduces faithfully the morning winds and currents. Cold night air flows down the valley at an altitude of 100 - 300 meters, carrying the balloons towards Les Moulins, Rossinière and the Gruyère region.

Close to the ground (depending on the topography) this current is oriented to the left, as evidenced by the flags and smokes on the ground. By playing with these 2 layers, the pilot can steer his balloon and reach the targets.

Higher up, from 1500 meters, a westerly altitude wind carries the balloons Est, towards Château-d'Oex or further up the valley.



4 months
Verena B.

Merci pour votre accueil et pour cette superbe expérience. Tout le monde a pu piloter son ballon, ma maman de 84 ans a adoré !

1 year

The simulator is incredible! We could really understand and feel what it takes to pilot a balloon. Absolutely top notch!

7 months

Dimanche 23 juin, en famille pour vivre cette expérience unique ! Et grand merci à notre coach du jour !

5 months
Patrick M.

Nous avons pu voler et piloter comme si nous y étions. Merci pour l'accueil, l'instruction et cette expérience unique!

Flight simulator development